Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Being Pregnant

Ok guys I'm back. So, I haven't blogged in a while cause I have been dealing with all of the "joys" of pregnancy. Ok so I don't work very much, I work from 10-4 everyday... and all I do is sit at a desk and talk to people that come in and on the phones and so on, and I come home everyday just exhausted! I come home and crash, Jaxon even makes me dinner cause I don't have the energy. So I hate to say it but blogging hasn't exactly been first on my list of things to do... sorry. Don't get me wrong I am so happy and excited to be pregnant.. but it totally does change your daily life. This week has also been horrible with the nauseous feeling.. I didn't go to work yesterday cause I was feeling so horrible and was just bawling cause I felt so bad. Nothing ever sounds good to eat and I have to force myself to eat every few hours. When then when something finally does sound good, well it stops sounding good about half way through eating it and it makes me sick to look at it.. so Jaxon has been getting a lot of half eatin meals lately. Jaxon just laughs at me when I ask him if he wants the rest of something with just a disgusted look on my face, luckily he cleans up what I leave and then some. My stomach is so sensitive... I'm only 6 weeks pregnant and today I had to get maternity garments. The spandex ones that I wear aren't like too small.. but they apply just too much pressure that makes it worse... what woman is wearing maternity clothes after only 6 weeks!! That's just pathetic I'm afraid... but they are very nice. Up until this last week I wasn't really feeling sick at all, I was all whats the big deal... ummm yeah im a panzy and it sucks! Don;t even get me started on the smells that turn my stomach.. or how many times i have to get up to go to the bathroom each night... I know that all of you that have kids can feel my pain, and your probably laughing at me.. but I'm strugglin, haha. Anyways, I am so excited to be pregnant and I can't wait for the next steps. I will try to be better at keeping up with this too.. just work with me. Love you all!


Taylor said...

I'm sorry Cori! I wish there was something I could do for you. I am just so excited!

Cassie said...

Don't worry hun after the first trimester you will be feeling a whole lot better and then food will TOTALLY be your best friend!

Anonymous said...

Oh the memories. Try Taco Bell bean burritos - they ALWAYS taste good when you're pregnant. Really, even when I couldn't stomach food, I could always eat Taco Bell burritos. Just beans though.... no meat. By the way, we are thrilled for you!!!!

Beth said...

I am soooo stinking happy for you -I can't help but smile through all of your pain. I second Cassie.. after the first trimester FOOD IS YOUR FRIEND.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had your problem with food, mine is just the opposite, I see it and I want it.

Julia said...

I remember feeling that way when I first started the pill.. remember? But your right patti, bean burritos was the only thing that sounded and tasted good. The pill.... HA!

Julia said...

I remember feeling that way when I first started the pill.. remember? But your right patti, bean burritos was the only thing that sounded and tasted good. The pill.... HA!

Cori said...

i stayed home from work on monday cause i was feeling so crappy.. and i went and got myself taco bell cause it was the only thing that sounded good, haha

Erin said...

cori! I am so excited for you. I tried calling you when i found out but you went and changed your phone number and didn't tell me...then when i got it from julia i never got around to calling you. Anyways, i am so happy for you, even though you don't feel good. and its good to hear harline's still love taco bell.