Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Dax Is Here... Finally!!

Thursday little Dax Grant McCloy finally decided to come... after 4 hours at the hospital, 20 minutes and a complete total of 6 pushes... at least that part of the pregnancy part was fairly easy. Taylor made us a welcome home sign, cute huh.

Our little family :)
Right after he was born on the scale... 8 lbs. 8 oz.


Anonymous said...

He looks like a porcelain doll, he's perfect! Congratulations!! He's so beautiful, just like his mama!!

Julia said...

He's the most beautiful baby I ever saw! And I dont think my bias has anything to do with it! I'm proud to say I was the 3rd person he's met in his life. He couldnt have a prouder auntie! Ok i'll stop bragging now. :D

ps. i'm going through Dax withdrawls! I've seen all these pictures, I wanna see new ones. Has he grown much in the last 2 days??

Anonymous said...

These pics are adorable! He looks quite chunky on that scale. You did GREAT Cori! You did pretty good yourself Jaxon!

Beth said...

Oh my goodness.. EVERY picture I've seen makes him look just PERFECT. He really is SO perfect.. his skin, coloring, his little features.. he's not squished or anything.. HE IS PERFECT. I can't wait to get my hands on him. And, Cori.. are you really supposed to look THAT cute after pushing out a kid? NOT COOL. ;)

Cassie said...

He's so handsome!!! His little face is adorable I can't wait to see him! Tell him not to grow and inch until I get there! Can't wait!

Melanie said...

Cori and Jax, you guys did awsome, nothing like a full term, healthy, chubby baby! He is beautiful and I can totally see Jaxon in his face! Can't wait to meet the little guy. And Cori keep posting pictures, you're so far away and we're dying to see him grow!

Erin said...

i love him! i cannot wait to meet him. and he really does look prefect! and you look gorgeous, even right after having a baby. I love you guys!