Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A Special Moment

The other night me and Jaxon were watching tv, and this new show The Ex Wives Club came on. This one woman was telling her sob story about how she married the man of her dreams, and how everything was perfect until she got this disease and gained a ton of weight really fast and her husband left her because she got so fat...

I lean my head on Jaxon's shoulder look up at him and bat my eyes and ask, "If I got fat you would still love me, right?"

Jaxon looks down at me with a smile, kisses me on the forehead and lovingly says, "Sweetie you are fat, and I do still love you."

I had to ask.


Julia said...

That's precious! And it's the only time he could get away with it.

Emily said...

You know what I think is funny...the men never like to take credit for their, so called, "fat" wives, but as soon as your boy comes out...they take all the credit! I made that!

Anonymous said...

That's so "tender"..... do I sound like Erin?

Erin said...

Thanks Patti...I appreciate the reference. and that totally is tender in a jaxonesk sort of way. at least he loves you though!

Cassie said...

That is SO funny! You will definately have to write that in the baby book...right along with how much weight daddy gained during the pregnancy! Priceless!

Beth said...

I can just picture the moment... Totally something my hubby would say too. :) At least they make us laugh, right? And, at least he kissed your forehead before he said it.. :) Sweet.