Hmmmm... I'm thinking the tie downs we got at the swap meet weren't quite heavy duty enough.
He ripped right though them... they did claim to hold 400 pounds each... he used 2 so either hes over 800 pounds or the $1 tie down wasn't as strong as it claimed to be. He may be gaining sympathy weight but... that's ridiculous! Poor Jaxon.
Jaxon wasn't too happy about his first attempt failure.. can't you just see his cute little engineer wheels turning trying to come up with his next big idea... stay tuned!
That is SO funny! Chris has a bright colored hammock from El Salvador too! Maybe they were required to buy one before they left! Anyways, I thought you moved to Cali??? How is Jaxon drinking Mountain Dew and NOT a Diet Coke???? I thought he knew that it is part of the deal living with Lori! I guess your mom's got her work cut out for her!
Awww... poor little Jaxon... I hope you get his hammock fixed up soon. I can tell he was happy with it in the first picture. :) :)
Great pictures! I'm going to laugh all day over the picture of him laying on the floor! If that had happend to Brett he probably would have gone through the floor. And Brett got a multicolored hammock on the mission too! but no where to hang it. :(
I like the multi colored hammock...its summery! however, sitting in hammock with your butt touching the ground doesn't reallyw ork out. good luck with that jaxon! maybe you should mix in a few salads.
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