Friday, April 10, 2009

Pool Pics


lori said...

Isn't it great Taylor is into taking pictures now? What are we going to do when she goes off to college?

Cassie said...

He is SO HANDSOME!!! I just want to squeeze him every time I see his picture. What can I say he's got one hot momma! Thanks for the new pictures!

Patti said...

Love all the updates. When Taylor goes to college, one of you is going to have to step in and KEEP UP THE POSTING!!! We want pictures.... we want picture... we want pictures... bla bla bla
By the way - CUTE pics of Dax.

Julia said...

I really wish I was in that pool right now! He looks like so much fun.

Beth said...

WOW. I am sooo impressed with your blogging right now. KEEP IT UP!! :) Dax is adorable.. wish we were all swimming together. My girls just got out of our pool in their underwear (the water is totally freezing still but they're desperate..)

Erin said...

YAY for pictures! I never check your blog anymore...cause there is never a new post...and now there are millions of freaking adorable pictures! I love them all! I love Dax. I can't wait to take Jack in the pool!

Unknown said...

what a cutie! he is adorable!

katrina said...

Totally cute pics! Wish we could finally get some pool weather here! When is summer going to be here already!