Monday, February 26, 2007

Park City

So, we think we know where we are going to be moving to.. Park City! There is an Engineering Company there that Jax took a tour of and loved! They haven't started hiring yet but told him that if he need to know to call and they would arrange something, so basically un-officially offered him a job. If they do offer him the job that's where we are going to be going come May, and we are so excited about it! He has also gotten offers in Ogden, and Las Vegas.. but none as cool as the job in Park City. They have good shopping there so I'm excited.

Also, I think I am over the worst of the sick part of the pregnancy thing. I had about 3 bad weeks where I thought I was dying.. but I'm good now. We are at 2 and a half months almost done with the first trimester and go to the doctor for the first time in a couple weeks. I think I have gained like 15 pounds since that last picture you all will be happy to know, but our internet at home isn't working right now so I can't post a picture. I'm doin this at work.. (the boss isn't here today).


Julia said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better and packing on the pounds. Wish I had an excuse! =)

Erin said...

PARK CITY!!! I am so excited for you, that would be awesome. you count me officially jealous. we need to hang out soon too. love you!

Anonymous said...


Erin said...

yeah but Lori...just think now you get to go and visit her there. Park City is awesome, lots of shopping and way good restaurants. My dad always told me that I had to live in Park city one day...maybe my dad will diown me and make cori his new daughter.

Anonymous said...

yea it will be fun to visit her there. I'm hoping that once everyone leaves CA that eventually everyone will come visit us!?! I'm going to be so lonely!

Cori said...

Thats why you are going to move to Utah Mom!!

Anonymous said...

Let's all move to Utah!!