Thursday, May 24, 2007

Been Busy...

Ok, I know I haven't posted in awhile and let me show you all why... here is our lovely penske truck that we loaded up and Jaxon got to drive from Utah. What a trooper, he sent me on a plane and drove by himself... he was the first to admit he didnt want me with him since I get car sick real easy these pregnant days.. and he has seen me throw up in the car one too many times.

Then, we had to unload a bunch of it at the house and then... I had to find a place for it all. Even though we got here a couple weeks ago... this pile still isn't all the way organized and put away. This was Mom and Dad's dinning room until we took it over. I think it was at this point that they started to regret their offer to let us move in.

Oh yeah, and we also sold Eva (Jaxon's jeep). So feast your eyes on my last jeep post for awhile. Jaxon isn't to happy about driving my ford focus to work these days.. not cause its a focus but because of the tinker bell sticker in the back window.. the "but but but I'm the princess" license plate holder... and the Hawaiian flower seat covers. The poor man gets checked out while hes driving around town and not the kind that a guy likes. Farewell Eva!!


Beth said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha! Sorry.. can't stop laughing about the "but but but I'm a princess" license plate cover on the car that JAXON is driving!! HA HA HA HA HA... that is just NOT right, Cori!!!!!

Julia said...

That's an awfully big truck for two little newly weds! And that's an awfully big pile in that dining room too! I bet grandma loves it!
Jaxon is such a good sport!

Cassie said...

First do you get to the family room? I guess people will have to come through the garage! That truck is as big as the one we got to move out here (yeah a little upsetting to Chris that we filled it!) And as for will NEVER hear the end of how amazing Eva was....Chris is STILL talking about the red acura that he loved (don't tell him I forgot it's name, opps!)

Erin said...

I am so happy to see a post. I bet you guys are having a blast in CA...Jaxon will get over eva...when he can get a new one later. thats what happened to ryan when he had to sell his truck...then a couple years later we got a different better truck and he was all better.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I checked out the car and apologized to Jaxon for having to drive it. It is a GIRLS car with all the fru fru on it. Very funny! I agree... the license plate is the coup de gras! (Is that how you spell it?)

Anonymous said...

It takes a man completely confident in his masculinity to drive a car like that. We'll make it up to him somehow...I know, Cori why don't you give him a SON!

Anonymous said...

It takes a man completely confident in his masculinity to drive a car like that. We'll make it up to him somehow...I know, Cori why don't you give him a SON!

Emily said...

What? Sold the jeep? What are you going to drive on the dunes when you come visit us in Oregon? Oh well, we are actually trading our dune buggy for plumbing in our house. We figure that if we miss it terribly we can build a bigger and better one later...way later! I hate moving!! Looks like you have a lot to do! I'm sorry. Sounds like you need a girl's weekend too. Ya hoo! Anyone else excited?!

Julia said...

As for the busy part.... I dont believe you. I know for a fact you've been shopping and laying by the pool. LUCKY!!

Cori said...

Actually I haven't been laying by the pool.. it hasn't been warm enough. Jax is counting on building up a bigger and better jeep someday too.. i think thats why he decided to sell it.

Beth said...

I know a place where it IS warm enough to lay by the pool... wanna come visit in say, a week or so? :) :)

Anonymous said...

I know let all go to AZ.We can all lay around any pool we want and forget all our woes for a few days...see you in bouta week!